A Ladybug Showed Up in my Loft Today! I hadn't been out since the day
before and all the doors and windows had been closed...but some how she
found her way in! So I caught her and set her free! Then I decided to
look up its symbolism...and of course I couldn't pass up the opportunity
to create an inspirational photo!
Complete meaning: Ladybug: The Ladybug is associated with spirituality
and religious devotion. The name Ladybug originated in Europe during the
Middle Ages, when insects were destroying the crops. Catholic farmers
were said to have prayed to the Virgin Mary for help. Soon after,
Ladybugs appeared and began eating the pests and saved the crops from
destruction. The farmers began to call the Ladybugs “the Beetles of Our
Lady” and eventually they were known as Lady Beetles. The Ladybug's red
wings are said to represent the Virgin's cloak and the black spots her
joys and sorrows.
The Ladybug is widely considered a symbol of luck and is seen as
a good omen when it comes calling. In Sweden, it is said that if one
lands on a young woman's hand, she will soon get married. In France, it
is said that if you are ill when one lands on you, it will fly away with
your illness.
Ladybugs are also considered to be symbols of fire and the Sun.
Ladybug teaches life is short and it teaches to let go of ones'
worries and fears, to trust in spirit and enjoy life. It brings the
gifts of renewal and regeneration. The message of the Ladybug could be
asking you to “Let go and let God”.
Other Google Meanings: Love,Luck,Protection
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Saturday, August 25, 2012
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Expecting Good is a Mindset!
Expecting Good is a Mindset! Does your mind Wander aimlessly
...or are
You Wondering what Good could happen to you next?
Open the channel for
Good...then listen, take note...
because something Good just showed up!
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Staying true to Your Faith!
MINDset ~Staying true to Your Faith! Don’t allow people to bully you
because of the faith You choose…and don’t beat people up because they
don’t choose what you believe! We’ve all been given the Freedom to
choose whom we will serve! A man shall
not be established through mischief, deceit, and trickery: but the root
of those living a life of integrity, with a character built up in Christ
shall not be moved. But those with a questionable character appearing
as godly; since they don't have deep roots, they don't last long. They
fall away as soon as they have problems or are persecuted for believing
God's word. As soon as the big bad bully’s show up in hot persecution of
the professors of God's Grace, and those who acknowledge Christ Jesus
as Lord & Savior; such hearers are stumbled by these things, and
cannot bear the loss of anything, or endure anything severe for the sake
of the word they claimed to have great pleasure in; and therefore,
rather than remaining true to their faith, they change up their
statement of belief.
Mark 4:17, Proverbs 12:3
Get Rooted in God's Grace…“Don’t be a Follower, be a Student!”…study to show thyself approved! #MINDsetForChange~JoGrace ~ Connect with us on our Facebook page...
Get Rooted in God's Grace…“Don’t be a Follower, be a Student!”…study to show thyself approved! #MINDsetForChange~JoGrace ~ Connect with us on our Facebook page...
MINDset~For Giving!
MINDset~For Giving! ...I Love Listening to the Holy Spirit when she
(wisdom was referred to as a she,teaching coming soon) says Give...it's
so awesome when you're able to bless someone unexpectedly! Yesterday as
I'm checking out at the cash register
(the only one in line, at the moment) a song just continued to play in
my head...I shared it with the cashier and kept singing, "So Blessed"
(Jill Scott) ...then as I was ju
st about to pay for my stuff, I looked up from the card swipe keypad and there was that voice..."Pay for her stuff"...Ook ...I look at the cashier and tell her (pointing) to ring that stuff too...she looked a little puzzled, and then proceeded to tell me that all my stuff had been rung up! I smiled and said I know ring hers up too!...she said, with your stuff...again "Yes!" Another coworker was also standing there just looking like, OK! The customer retrieved her items said, Thank You!, and the cashier said keep singing as I left! I was the one Blessed...oh how Good it is to be able to Give! Blessings~ Jo Grace
st about to pay for my stuff, I looked up from the card swipe keypad and there was that voice..."Pay for her stuff"...Ook ...I look at the cashier and tell her (pointing) to ring that stuff too...she looked a little puzzled, and then proceeded to tell me that all my stuff had been rung up! I smiled and said I know ring hers up too!...she said, with your stuff...again "Yes!" Another coworker was also standing there just looking like, OK! The customer retrieved her items said, Thank You!, and the cashier said keep singing as I left! I was the one Blessed...oh how Good it is to be able to Give! Blessings~ Jo Grace
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God can Speak Directly to You!
MINDset ~As one of my teachers said, “The Greatest tool in the Hands of
the Oppressor is the Mind of the Oppressed!”… Rest because God is with
you/within you resolving each and every situation! Even in your
imperfect faith, His Grace will still be sufficient! #Mindset~JoGrace
Most of You aren't Breathing Properly!
MINDset ~Most of You aren't Breathing Properly! When you're Worried and
Stressed your breathing is very shallow...and even when you're Not
feeling like you're stressed...it pays to be Mindful of your Breathing,
few people retain a habit of natural,
full breathing which is required for maintaining a good mental and
physical state! (things you learn in 20yrs of Aesthetic teaching)
Breathing improves oxygen, which plays a vital role in the circulatory
and respiratory systems. Oxygen that is inhaled purifies our blood by
removing poisonous waste! Irregular breathing will hamper this
purification process and cause waste products to remain in circulation.
Now let’s take a spiritual breath…Lord Jehovah breathed into mans nostrils the breath of life and man became a Living Soul. Use your physical breath as a daily meditation to inhale the Spirit of the Living God, it will purify your life and assist you with removing the excess weight and toxins in your Spirit! (things you learn in 30yrs of living/studying to show thyself approved) Cast your cares on Him, take back your breath…the Lord GOD speaking to your bones (physical life), behold, I will cause Breath to enter into You, and Ye shall Live! Live, live, live in the Grace god has given You! Practice daily breathing, impact your Mind, Body, and Spirit! We are spirit in a physical body and both must be attended to in order to sustain a Long Healthy Life! Stop right now…Inhale…hold 4secs…now exhale hold 6secs…Aahh! 3x or more… You just extended the life of your lungs! Enjoy your Breath Today…Blessings! Read Genesis 2:7, Job 33:4, Ezekiel 37:5, Anxiety~1 Peter 5:7
Now let’s take a spiritual breath…Lord Jehovah breathed into mans nostrils the breath of life and man became a Living Soul. Use your physical breath as a daily meditation to inhale the Spirit of the Living God, it will purify your life and assist you with removing the excess weight and toxins in your Spirit! (things you learn in 30yrs of living/studying to show thyself approved) Cast your cares on Him, take back your breath…the Lord GOD speaking to your bones (physical life), behold, I will cause Breath to enter into You, and Ye shall Live! Live, live, live in the Grace god has given You! Practice daily breathing, impact your Mind, Body, and Spirit! We are spirit in a physical body and both must be attended to in order to sustain a Long Healthy Life! Stop right now…Inhale…hold 4secs…now exhale hold 6secs…Aahh! 3x or more… You just extended the life of your lungs! Enjoy your Breath Today…Blessings! Read Genesis 2:7, Job 33:4, Ezekiel 37:5, Anxiety~1 Peter 5:7
Just a few Benefits:
• Reduces stress and increases energy, aliveness and sense of well-being
• Releases toxins from the cells of the body: 70% of toxins are released through the breath itself, so when you breathe more you release more!
• Allows old emotions, memories and past traumas to arise and release in a safe and gentle way!
• Reduces stress and increases energy, aliveness and sense of well-being
• Releases toxins from the cells of the body: 70% of toxins are released through the breath itself, so when you breathe more you release more!
• Allows old emotions, memories and past traumas to arise and release in a safe and gentle way!
Friday, August 10, 2012
What Do You Need to Survive, Really Thrive… Food? Water? Air? Facebook?
Mindset ~What Do You Need to Survive, Really Thrive…
Food? Water?
Air? Facebook?
Because a large percentage (up to 60%) of the
body is made up of water, and each day it uses water, it must be
replenished…and the lack of water will have a major impact on how well your
organs function! (the brain is composed of
70% water) So you may feel fatigued, a lack of energy, lethargic, and your skin
will begin to show signs of dehydration! We know it’s possible to survive
without food, but without water, surely death is near! How many days do you
think you could live without water? You
probably wouldn’t even think of trying it? Following that same mindset but using this thought, Mind, Body, and Spirit…let’s say one-third of our being is Spirit, and like water it is used daily! Un-Replenished you began to experience spiritual fatigue, depressed, uninspired, and unenthusiastic about life…and at some point you will experience a spiritual death! Like the signs that show up on dehydrated skin as fine lines, and wrinkles…it is the same with your life! Replenishing your spirit (with music) brings movement back to your body, and singing (from your heart) stimulates your mind so that it can create! Creating is an expression of a spirit-led, spirit-fed life! And just as the natural body requires food for nourishment…the spirit must be fed spiritual food daily! So let’s ask that question again…How many day’s do you think you could live without your spirit? Oh, but so many are trying it? 20% Living in Spirit, amongst the 80% of the walking dead! Is your Spirit alive? Can others see it? If not, open your bible, download some fresh spiritual software! #BeRenewedinTheSpiritofYourMind~Ephesians 4:23, John 4:24, Restore~Isaiah 38:16
Thursday, August 9, 2012
No Competiton in Grace!
There's no competition or competitors when your operating in Grace.
When you're not in Grace you compete with people Role to Role,
my ego is just a little bit bigger than yours, tiles, positions, status, fear etc
When you're flowing in Grace you connect with people Soul to Soul...instead of competing, your spirit is alive and begins creating, you're excited about discovering what your souls can create together!
Or simply enjoy, and or appreciate each others Gifts & Presence!
Friday, August 3, 2012
Stop Beating People Up!
If you beat people up because of their choices, then you deny the right to your own choice! Christ didn't push himself on folks...he said, this is who I am...You Choose whom You wish to serve! This is my Benefits package...it contains Eternal Life!
You choose, I've already made a way, even if You choose not to Except me or it (my benefits). Freedom is a Choice...stop Beating people up about their Choice! #RealChristLove
You choose, I've already made a way, even if You choose not to Except me or it (my benefits). Freedom is a Choice...stop Beating people up about their Choice! #RealChristLove
Choose Love!
Choose Love and remain Free. Freedom of Choice...I choose to love people regardless of Color, Race, Faith, Gender, Sexual Orientation, and their Choices! They have a Choice! I choose to Love and remain Free from anger, hatred, prejudices, judgments! Freedom is a Choice, that begins with Your mindset! Me I choose to Love & Be Free!
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