Sunday, June 17, 2012

Out of the House of Bondage!

For those who have Chosen to…
No Longer Be a Follower, But a Student!

The awesome thing about becoming a Student (studying), is that God will reward you for your diligence; more than often you will receive some form of confirmation in the area in which you have chosen to study. Confirmation comes as a way to stir the excitement for learning and proves you are making a worthy investment in your time, and indeed supernaturally impacting your Spiritual Growth.  By choosing to be a Student and not a follower, you will accelerate your learning and increase your learning curve; being a student of the bible, growing spiritually impacts your ability to learn and succeed in all areas of Life!  Being a student, applying what you have learned and sharing it with others causes you to grow exponentially.  Freedom and Liberation comes through education, not just inspiration and motivation… “The most powerful tool in the hands of the Oppressor is the mind of the Oppressed!”

A student diligently attending to the art of learning provides a healthy environment for his mind to grow; and a healthy growing mind contributes to the whole body, mind, and spirit transformation.  A student that study’s and renews his mind daily, undergirded by the grace obtains knowledge with understanding.  Maturing as a student you will then cultivate a relationship with the Holy Spirit, the counsel of God; and through divine revelation enter into an intimate space of grace, filled with his presence and confirmed by his peace! (in your spirit, not someone else’s)

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